All Agency Day - April 2022 edition
Roughly a 4 minute read by Alex

It’s All Agency Day again, a time for everyone to come together for creative collaboration and an all-around good time. This month it was the turn of Dave, Matt, and Navneet to host. The day included a one-time opening of Dave’s Vegan BBQ Shack, taskmaster games, and post-work drinks at Belgrave. Oh and some work in between!
We kicked the day off with pastries and coffee (as all good mornings should start in our opinion). Once the team had tucked into breakfast, we moved on to our first activity of the day. An intro to our new NED!

And whilst he might end up being called Ned on occasion, we’re very pleased to welcome Ade to the team to join as our new Non-Executive Director. From cycle ride companions to LinkedIn outreach, Ade is now a fully-fledged member of the Engage team, coming on board to lend us his experience and expertise with business transformation and growth. And hopefully, bring his daughter’s Greyhound, Daphne to the office. We’re writing it here so it has to happen. Right?!
Intros complete, we then kicked off our first team activity. Taskmaster style. With Navneet in the role of Taskmaster, he split us into teams of 6 for a reverse-Pictionary challenge. Each member of the team took turns drawing a hidden image as described by the rest of the team. We then lined up and judged the final results. And the results were…varied. But the laughs were a success.

It was quickly back to work to catch up on emails and get through some of the day’s to-dos before Dave’s Vegan BBQ opened for lunch.
Serving BBQ jackfruit, smoked to perfection, Dave and Matt served up lunch for the whole agency whilst Nnav provided the entertainment with the classic game of throw-the-teabag-in-the-cup (Yorkshire Tea, of course!).

Feeling full and our throwing arms exhausted, we returned to work for the afternoon before ending the day with our Guest Speaker, Anj Handa who delivered a talk on “Beyond Representation” and how we can strive to achieve “inclusion and beyond”.
Finally, those that hadn’t exhausted themselves at tea-bag throwing or overindulged at Daves’ BBQ shack, wrapped up the day with some drinks over at Headrow House.

And that’s a wrap on our fifth all agency day. Special thanks to the team organising today: Navneet, Matt W, and Dave! Looking forward to the next one hosted by Nasreen, Dom, and Matthew…