Google Adds 'Save to Maps' Feature to Location Knowledge Box
Roughly a 2 minute read by Shree Vaidya

We've just noticed that Google has added the ability for signed in users to save locations to their maps to allow easier navigation to offline destinations. You've been able to manage your saved places in other Google products for a while but it usually isn't available in Google Search.
The screenshot below shows the difference between the location knowledge box for the different signed in (left) and signed out (right) states with a star next to the brand name for the signed in state.
Interestingly, it wasn't a brand search that triggered this but non a brand phrase (search: [bubble tea notting hill]).
This isn't really a surprise since Google's aim is to offer relevant, personal results, it makes sense it helps you reach the places you find more easily!
This shows the importance of solid Google My Business and local optimisation, if you'd like to talk Local SEO with us, just drop us an email!