The 21 Day Challenge - Completed!
Roughly a 2 minute read by Amy Richards

Here at Engage HQ, we’ve been undertaking our first ever 21 day challenge in the interests of building resilience and boosting our wellbeing.
Everyone picked their own personal goal, which meant there were a variety of challenges running alongside each other - everything from giving up caffeine and snacks to reading more, meditating and doing a daily plank.
The challenge was trickier than we anticipated - although 21 days doesn’t sound like a lot of time, it can feel like a lifetime when you’ve given up sweet treats! Just 5 members of Team Engage completed every day of the challenge, but there were some good efforts from everyone, with many missing just a day or two.
Here’s a visual representation of how we got on…

Although not all the challenges were completed, we definitely felt that we’d given ourselves a bit of a wellbeing boost. Even one day drinking enough water or taking a proper lunch break is better than none! 21 days may not be long enough to build a sustainable habit, but it definitely gave us something to think about - and we’ll be back next year to try again!