British Ceramic Tile
A best in class eCommerce platform

The brief
As the largest tile manufacturer in the UK, British Ceramic Tile are obsessed with the small things that make a big difference. They approached us with the challenge of creating a best in class eCommerce platform that embodies that same ethos while keeping their love of design at the forefront.

“The team at Engage are a pleasure to work with. From beginning to end on this project they have brought enthusiasm, expert advice and guidance to help us launch our brand new B2C eCommerce platform”
Jessica Wibberley, Head of Digital

How we did it
The site is built using our bespoke eCommerce platform which has been engineered to suit BCT’s precise and unique business needs.
Capturing actionable data is important for any eCommerce website, and our platform integrates directly with British Ceramic Tile’s key enterprise back-office systems to provide them with vital analytical data, live at any time.

Streamlined navigation
With thousands of products stocked and sold, the site needed a robust navigation to direct customers quickly and effortlessly to the right place, whilst also helping promote their featured brands and collections in a visually appealing way.
Demystifying delivery
In stark contrast to Amazon Prime, a tile delivery often weighing over a tonne is quite a complicated affair. To help simplify the understanding of the process for customers, we animated a series of delivery videos which explained the process in a format that was easy to engage with and helped set expectations from the start.

“The outcome is exactly what we wanted and the internal team along with our customers can’t compliment the end product enough”
Jessica Wibberley, Head of Digital

Custom reporting
We know how important data is to any business. The back-end of the site makes it easy to build custom dashboards, providing relevant information quickly and easily.
The site also uses Google Tag Manager and Enhanced eCommerce to track key interactions that eventually lead to bigger sales.
“We look forward to continuing to work with the team at Engage on future development projects and the digital content and marketing strategy”
Jessica Wibberley, Head of Digital