A bespoke volunteering platform
The brief
Superstars is a Volunteer Development Programme co-delivered by ourselves and CATCH which empowers volunteers of all ages to develop the necessary skills, knowledge and experiences to set them on a path to becoming a leader of the future whilst making a positive difference to their local communities.

How we got involved
We’ve been supporting CATCH through Elympics for a number of years now, over which time we’ve found ourselves becoming increasingly aligned to their mission of making a positive difference to young people from all backgrounds, in and around Harehills, Leeds.

When you see the amazing work CATCH are doing in their community you can’t help but feel compelled to join their cause. So, when they spoke to us with the idea of creating an application which would provide their young volunteers with a rewards-based development programme designed to teach them a whole range of skills, knowledge and experiences, we knew we could help.
What we built
By successfully completing tasks, training courses and volunteering their time, volunteers will quickly find themselves progressing through the star badge ranks and unlocking a range of incentives and awards.
Along the way volunteers will develop skills and attributes that will serve them well throughout their lifetime and open doors to new opportunities.
There are 6 core badges to achieve, from single bronze to double gold. The app also incorporates additional bonus stars such as the Sports and Cafe stars which require further accomplishments in their relative disciplines to unlock.

“Thank you to the amazing team at Engage for supporting us through the development of Superstars”
Ash Razzaq MBE, Founder at CATCH
Want to help support CATCH?
As with all charities like CATCH, their success and capacity to make a difference relies heavily on the generosity of others. So, if you want to help make a genuine positive change in Leeds, then we’d love to speak to you about CATCH and show you how they’re changing the lives of young people for the better.
You can find out more about catch over on their website