Where do we sign up? Let’s talk Milwaukee’s Prize Incentive CRM campaign.

The brief
Milwaukee builds and provides a wide range of power and hand tools for professionals and DIY enthusiasts and has done for over 85 years. In 2022 we were tasked with the challenge of growing CRM sign-ups through targeted ads. And we had some exciting prizes to help entice the sign-ups!
The Challenge
CRM sign-ups have recently become a big priority for many companies, including Milwaukee. With 3rd party cookies set to be obsolete within the next couple of years, it’s essential for businesses to establish strong audience databases to continue their marketing efforts and drive growth.
This had been an objective for Milwaukee for a while but since the introduction of GDPR-compliant cookie banners and saturated audiences from previous CRM campaigns, growth in their audience had slowed, and new users were harder to come by.
And so they got the right tool for the job. Us.
Milwaukee had some ambitious CRM growth targets for 2022/23, which required us to think outside of the box to drive ongoing growth in their CRM database. This challenge also required us to drive sign-ups across 16 different countries across Europe, with each market having its own campaign and advertising requirements. A “one size fits all” approach wouldn’t cut it here. So we created bespoke targeting for each market.

The Solution
To drive an increase in 1st party data through lead generation campaigns, we focussed on the Meta channels. These were a strong base for Milwaekee’s social activity, and, despite some dropouts to other channels, they remain one of the biggest audience sources out there. We used a combination of bespoke audience targeting options and first-class, engaging creative, produced in-house to deliver our messages.
Our targeting included custom audiences that drilled into the detail of the buyer personas of each country, as each market has its own specific and unique nuances. As well as, Lookalike audiences that were used from the existing CRM data. These drove high-performing additional targeting for each country.
We created a variety of static and animated creatives to increase the variety and variation, split testing variations throughout the campaign period to drive the maximum results for the budget.
We monitored the engagement and conversion rates of the campaigns closely, and when we identified the point of diminishing returns, we introduced new ad creative, reducing ad fatigue and boosting performance.

The Results
So how did it go? You might say we nailed it.
We captured 112,251 sign-ups, driven by a 26.51% conversion rate which only cost, on average, €2.34 per signup which was 88% lower than industry benchmarks.
Let’s talk results
Conversion Rate
Per Signup