Force For Good

Bowling for good: Volunteering at St Chad’s Broomfield cricket club

Roughly a 2 minute read by Alex

Ffg Cricket

With the cricket season just around the corner, some of our team used our volunteer days to head over to St Chad’s Broomfield cricket club to give them a hand building their new pavilion.

Who are St Chad’s Broomfield?

St Chad’s Broomfield are an amateur cricket club based in Headingley, Leeds. They provide access to cricket to over 500 individuals within the local community. The club comprises twelve senior league teams, a women and girls’ team and four junior teams starting from the U7 age range.

When we heard they were currently midway through rebuilding their pavilion and we still had available volunteering days for the month, we were excited to offer our help!

The new cricket pavilion aims to open later this Summer and will be used by all existing club members as well as the local community.

How did we help them?

Whilst a lot of work on the pavilion had already been completed by members of the club and other associated businesses, we had the task of helping them to finish the framework of the building. So we put down our keyboards for impact wrenches, swapped our desks for ladders, and rolled up our sleeves and got to work winching the final rows of the roof into place.

By the end of the day with the light fading and reliable Yorkshire weather showering us with appreciation, we placed the final block of the roof into place. Altogether, it was a very enjoyable day for a “wicket” cause. We’re looking forward to visiting again in the Summer to see it all completed!

“Their help has ensured we’re on track to meet all of our current deadlines! Building a new pavilion is an ambitious project which we couldn’t do without the assistance of volunteers.”

Paul Berry, Chairman of St Chad’s Broomfield cricket club.